Chris and Friends Make-A-Wish Foundation Make-A-Wish-Foundation The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to bring them hope, strength, and joy. Born in 1980 when a group of caring individuals helped a 7-year-old boy names Chris fulfill his dream of becoming a police officer, the Foundation is now the largest wish-granting charity in the world. Serving every U.S. community, the Make-A-Wish Foundation grants more than 12,500 wishes a year and has granted more than 135,000 wishes nationwide since its inception. Any child between the ages of 2 ½ to 18 who has a life-threatening medical condition may be eligible for a wish. A child can be referred to the Foundation by a medical professional, a parent or legal guardian. Make-A-Wish Foundation of America 3550 North Central Avenue, Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85012-2127 E-Mail: Telephone: (800) 722-WISH (9474) FAX: (602) 279-0855