After completing their Teach For America commitment, Dave Levin and Mike Feinberg were determined that “their” kids would have a chance at excellence and started their own schools. In 1994, Mike and Dave founded the Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP) for 50 fifth-graders in inner city Houston, Texas. Their students' academic success inspired them to expand the program. Mike and Dave launched two KIPP Academies. Based on their principles known as the Five Pillars—they gained national recognition. Ninety-nine percent of KIPP alumni matriculate into top high schools and have earnedover $18 million in scholarships. In 2003, the first class of KIPP alumni started college. In 2000, Doris and Donald Fisher, founders of Gap Inc., formed a partnership with Dave and Mike to replicate the success of the first two schools. Together they expanded KIPP into a national, non-profit organization that recruits, trains, and supports outstanding educators to open and run high-performing college-prep public schools. Current data shows that KIPP is making a positive impact on the lives of thousands of students in educationally underserved communities around the country. The KIPP family of academies has grown into 32 top-performing public schools that serve over 4,000 students in 13 states.